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The Meaning of Sociology, Ninth Edition
Joel Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant
Minnesota State University, Moorhead

© 2016 / ISBN: 978-1-59738-052-2
268 pages / paper / student price $52.95
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This classic introduction to sociology as a perspective gives readers a sound understanding of key sociological concepts as well as insight into how sociologists view society and human beings. Clearly written and organized, it shows readers how the various aspects of sociology fit together — and are relevant to their own lives.

The volume addresses the discipline of sociology, sociology as a perspective, how sociologists think, social structure, inequality in society, culture, social institutions, the interrelationships among organizations, social order, control, deviance and power, social change, the family in society and the meaning and uses of sociology.

Priced for students and available in a brief paperback format, The Meaning of Sociology provides an inexpensive yet comprehensive alternative to expensive hardback texts.